Sunday, April 11, 2010

in the darkness

in this post i just wanna thank everyone for being with me in ups and downs, for making me laugh or cry, for support. i thank the most:
Agg & Magdalina - you're always with me when i need you the most. i can count on you like on nobody else. i know you support me no matter what.
Ela, Myśka, Madzia - you always make me smile when i see you tweeted, sent a message. the talk about everything & nothing makes me feel much better.
Chrizzy - you're my sis you know it.
Sid&Ryan - you make me laugh even i dont want to. cant wait to hang out together!
Aisha, LadyMars, Akki, Truscavka - for the talks that make me not think about the reality.
&others(including people from my photoblog) that i cant remember now but you're still in my heart.

thank you for JUST being with me. you make me feel better & your support means really a lot to me. i dont even wanna think what would be without you in my life. you're my angels in the darkness. hope you know im also with you no matter what and you always can count on me even we all are apart and far away.

Friday, April 9, 2010

think twice before...

i just thought about some advices for girls who want to share their 'erotic' or naked(call it however you want^^) pics with some guys. for sure, dont do it if you just wanna make him fall into you. it aint work, believe me. the guy should love you just for the way you are; the body is just a cover. lets type some advices.

firstly, you have to be sure you really wanna do it. when you send it to that 'awesome' guy then everyone can see it. i can bet he send it to his close friends and not only(if he's mean or a jerk). so be pretty sure, you wanna do it :)
if you're 100% sure then just prepare yourself. if you wanna be naked in the pics wash yourself at first lol. if you're gonna pose in underwear be sure that IT'S CLEAN NOT DIRTY! the guy would be definitely disguised! and you dont wanna it, do you?

secondly, if you and your underwear are clean its time to think about the background. dont do it in the bathroom; its not really good idea to see some disgusting stuff there. yes, guys look at details too. sometimes they're more excited about things they've just seen not by your body lol.

if you look stunning & the background its also cool its time to take some pics! yahoo! finally, right? dont take too many. its hard to choose the best; especially if you're very photogenic woman :)

the last step: be more than 100% sure you really wanna do it. i dont want any girl to hurt just because of some jerk who doesnt know that he should keep it to himself only; or because the girl hasnt think it over and regrets it now.

phew! i hope i havent offended anyone and if, im sorry; i didnt mean it :) ive written it just for fun. however, i hope you're gonna take my advices seriously if you're a girl of course lol

xoxo, Carlitos

ps. 30 Seconds To Mars are coming to Poland! i cant believe it! ive heard they're not allowed to come here, but now... im so excited! biiig thanks to LadyMars from twitter! cant wait to see you all at the concert and just rock the stage haha! love ya!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

spank that!

i guess i should introduce myself at the beginning soo im carlitos and im a girl lol i dont predict that the blog is gonna be stunning. i just created it for fun; dont take the notes too seriously :) im looking for some ideas to write about so if you want me to write about something just let me know and i'll think about it!

xoxo, Carlitos

ps. remember that "Spank That" of Varsity Fanclub is released in 20 days(April 27th) on iTunes and Amazon!